Course Number: WUS0101
Type of Course: Training
Length of Course: 40 minutes
PDH or CEU: 0.5 PDH
Cost of Course: $49.00 per Learner
NOTE: This is part of STORM-E School
This course is designed to increase awareness and provide municipal field staff with the tools to detect different types of illicit discharges in the public storm system. This course describes the MS4 permit requirements for IDDE and identifies common areas in cities and counties where non-stormwater may be introduced into the stormwater system.
In addition, we discuss tools and BMPs that my be necessary to have an efficient and effective program.
This course also includes:
STORM-E Community
Prerequisites: None required
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination is an element of all municipal stormwater permit programs.
Kemp works with
Linescape of Washington. He is dedicated to the utility locating industry. From 2009-2011, he was on a panel to help revise RCW 19.122 "Dig Law".
He is still active as a member of the WA State Dig Law Safety Committee and also volunteers as leadership for NUCA of Washington.
Instructor Information:
Nathan has nearly 25 years of experience in the environmental and stormwater consulting field with an emphasis on best management practices (BMPs), services and management related to industrial, construction, municipal and commercial stormwater programs.
This course is also available as part of the STORM-E School. Other courses that expand from this course are:
MS4 Program Overview
Spill Control and Response
Source Control Program Overview
Introduction to Stormwater Sampling
Access to the Course Resource Library
Curated document, resources, templates and more specific to your Certification and day-to-day operations of the job.
You can browse the resource library below but wont have access to the content until you are registered for the certification.
ESC BMP Pocket Guide
This BMP pocket guide will assist you in making informed decisions when selecting BMPs that provide the best erosion and sediment control (ESC) for your project. Printed on waterproof paper, and spiral bound, it is a sturdy, easy to use, go-to tool for the jobsite. If you manage erosion and sediment control, you need the BMP Pocket Guide. It is the size of a cell phone and fits in your back pocket.
Learners are required to contact CWT Training Academy as soon as possible with any changes to registration (e.g. revised or corrected email, mailing address, phone number, etc.) to ensure the information on the Certification records are correct.
Refunds will not be provided for any missed or incomplete on-demand course. In the case of an emergency which prevents the Learner from starting or finishing the course during the allotted time frame, please contact CWT Training Academy to discuss options.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o - Do not remove from template!!! it is important to support different fonts
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