Developing an Effective Sampling Program


Course Number: WUN0104

Type of Course: Training

Length of Course: 3 hours

PDH or CEU: 3

Cost of Course: $95.00 per Learner


This course outlines the seven necessary steps to build an effective and reliable sampling program.

We discuss the importance of knowing what, when and how to sample. We discuss the importance of working with a laboratory that you have confidence in that is part of your team. Understanding the data and so that you can make critical management decision is also discussed.

With the increase in pollutants of concern and changing water quality criteria, it is important to learn proper sampling techniques to make good management decisions.

This course also includes:

Sampling Community

What You Will Learn/Learning Objectives:

  • Basic elements of an effective sampling program
  • Learn the importance of sampling data to a stormwater program
  • Working with a laboratory
  • Having the proper sampling equipment and lab supplies
  • Sample collection basics
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Prerequisites: None required

Who Will Benefit from this training:

  • Consulting and Engineering firms
  • Stormwater program staff
  • Inspection staff
  • Roads department
  • Engineering department
  • Water quality engineers
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Instructor Information:

Nathan Hardebeck

Stormwater Professional


Nathan has nearly 25 years of experience in the environmental and stormwater consulting field with an emphasis on best management practices (BMPs), services and management related to industrial, construction, municipal and commercial stormwater programs.

Read More about Nathan

Guest Speakers

Bos has over 20 years experience as an analytical chemist, scientist and business development leader. He was involved in the development of EPA guidance for trace mercury sampling media, mercury sampling equipment and application of sensitive mercury analysis methods that today enable the accurate and reliable detection of metals in air and water.

Other Trainings to Consider

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Overview - WUS0101

Professional Inspector Stormwater Management (PRISM) - WUS0114

Qualified Sample Training - WUN0108 - Coming Soon!

View Catalog


Included with Registration

Access to the Course Resource Library

Curated document, resources, templates and more specific to your Certification and day-to-day operations of the job.

You can browse the resource library below but wont have access to the content until you are registered for the certification.

Coming Soon!

Sampling Pocket Guide

Refund / Cancelation Policy


Learners are required to contact CWT Training Academy as soon as possible with any changes to registration (e.g. revised or corrected email, mailing address, phone number, etc.) to ensure the information on the Certification records are correct.

Refunds will not be provided for any missed or incomplete on-demand course. In the case of an emergency which prevents the Learner from starting or finishing the course during the allotted time frame, please contact CWT Training Academy to discuss options.

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