Certified Industrial Stormwater Lead for OR 1200Z



Course Number: WOR0106

Type of Course: Certification

Length of Course: 12 hours

PDH or CEU: 12 PDH

Cost of Course: $495.00 per Learner

Note: OR DEQ does not require this certification to perform inspections or write a SWPCP on a 1200Z permitted facility.


This course covers the foundational elements of managing a facility that is covered under a Mar 2021-Jun 26 Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality 1200Z Industrial Stormwater Discharge Permit (1200Z). It covers the considerations of SWPCP writing, inspections, sampling and BMPs.

This is an overview of the 1200Z requirements and is not meant to completely identify what "compliance" means to your facility. However, we discuss all the program components that are necessary for a permitted facility to consider. We do not cover sector specific criteria of Schedule E in detail nor will all elements discussed apply directly to all permitted facilities across the state.

Support material, including the permit, templates and other DEQ guidance will be available during the course and in the Resource Library.

This course also includes access to

Industrial Stormwater Community

What You Will Learn/Learning Objectives:

  • Universal requirements and avoiding citizen lawsuit
  • Elements of a site map
  • Considerations necessary for an effective SWPCP
  • Steps in developing an accurate and effective sampling program
  • BMPs for industrial stormwater management
  • Site inspection considerations
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
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Prerequisites: A basic understanding of the 1200Z is ideal but not required.

Course Expectations: Learner must pass exam with 70% or better.

Who Will Benefit from this Course:

  • Engineers
  • Consultants
  • ISGP Managers
  • MS4 Inspectors
  • Company Management
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Guest Speakers

There are numerous guest appearances and interviews from BMP suppliers, support services, municipal officials, consultants and engineers.

Brad Doll is a partner at Tupper|Mack|Wells PLLC and focuses his practice in the areas of environmental and land use, assisting clients with permitting, compliance, and regulatory matters under federal and state laws involving hazardous substance releases, hazardous waste, water quality and use, and air quality.

Brandon Boyd

Brandon is the Construction & Industrial Permitting Specialist with Washington Stormwater Center.

Jeff Pettey

Jeff Pettey is a visionary mechanical process engineer in separation and absorption technologies and the founder of Gullywasher.

Liisa Doty

Liisa works with WaterTectonics, which designs, manufactures, installs and services water treatment systems for clients in a wide range of industries and geographies.

Bob works with Process Mercury and has over 20 years' experience as an analytical chemist, scientist and business development leader. He was involved in the development of EPA guidance for trace mercury sampling media, mercury sampling equipment and application and sensitive mercury analysis methods that today enable the accurate and reliable detection of metals in air and water.

Brenda Pitzen

Brenda has been with One.7 for over 17 years and is the Used Equipment Sales Manager.

TJ Mothersbaugh

TJ works with WaterTectonics, which designs, manufactures, installs and services water treatment systems for clients in a wide range of industries and geographies.

John Loyd

John is the Principal of BEA Environmental. Over his career, he has provided consulting services related to Municipal Stormwater Permit compliance to over 30 cities and county agencies.

Instructor Information

Nathan Hardebeck

Stormwater Professional


Nathan has nearly 25 years of experience in the environmental and stormwater consulting field with an emphasis on best management practices (BMPs), services and management related to industrial, construction, municipal and commercial stormwater programs.

Read More about Nathan

Savings on Post Graduation Supplies and Bonus Rewards for

Completion of this Course

ESC BMP Pocket Guide

This BMP pocket guide will assist you in making informed decisions when selecting BMPs that provide the best erosion and sediment control (ESC) for your project.

  • Printed on waterproof paper
  • Fits in your back pocket
  • Can be customized for your team
Preview on PUDLE Gear


Upon completion of course, you will will have an opportunity to purchase a shirt at a reduced rate to wear your certification proudly. Various colors and sizes available!

  • Can be customized for your team
Preview on PUDLE Gear

10% off  PUDLE Gear orders

Upon completion of CISL-OR, you will receive a coupon code for 10% off of your purchase at PUDLEGear.com

  • All items can be customized for your team
Shop Now on PUDLE Gear

Discounts on Other Trainings

Upon completion of CISL-OR, you will receive a coupon code for 10% off of your purchase of your next course.

View Course Catalog

Other Courses to Consider

Certified Industrial Stormwater Lead (CISL-WA): WWA0106

Challenging Aspects of Industrial Stormwater Management: WUS0117

Environmental Water Treatment Overview: WUN0109

Clean Water Act Lawsuits: WUS0113

View Course Catalog


Included with Registration

Access to the Course Resource Library

Curated document, resources, templates and more specific to your Certification and day-to-day operations of the job.

You can browse the resource library below but wont have access to the content until you are registered for the certification.

Add this to your Collection Anytime!

ESC BMP Pocket Guide

This BMP pocket guide will assist you in making informed decisions when selecting BMPs that provide the best erosion and sediment control (ESC) for your project. Printed on waterproof paper, and spiral bound, it is a sturdy, easy to use, go-to tool for the jobsite. If you manage erosion and sediment control, you need the BMP Pocket Guide. It is the size of a cell phone and fits in your back pocket.

Shop Now on PUDLE Gear

Add this to your Collection Anytime!

ISGP Stormwater Sampling Guide

Stormwater sampling is a critical process to monitor and manage pollutants in runoff from industrial facilities. The ISGP Stormwater Sampling Guide will provide valuable information on what sampling is, where to sample, when to sample and how to find labs.

Coming Soon

Special Notes for this Course:

This certification is valid for three (3) years.

Please contact CWT Training Academy if you have any questions.

Call us at 206-227-5894

Email us at info@cwtacademy.com

Refund / Cancelation Policy


Learners are required to contact CWT Training Academy as soon as possible with any changes to registration (e.g. revised or corrected email, mailing address, phone number, etc.) to ensure the information on the Certification records are correct.

Refunds will not be provided for any missed or incomplete on-demand course. In the case of an emergency which prevents the Learner from starting or finishing the course during the allotted time frame, please contact CWT Training Academy to discuss options.

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