IDR100000 Permit Overview


Course Number: WID0101

Type of Course: Training

Length of Course: 1.5 hours

PDH or CEU: 1.5 PDH

Cost of Course: $49.00 per Learner


This is an overview of the 2022 Idaho Pollution Discharge Elimination System Discharge Permit No. IDR100000 Construction General Permit for Discharge Activities. We will discuss how to obtain a permit, manage a permit, and criteria for final stabilization.

This overview is an important addendum to certifications you already have  if you are working on projects in the State of Idaho.

What You Will Learn/Learning Objectives:

This course covers the IDR100000 Permit for:

  • How to obtain permit coverage
  • Manage a permit
  • Recodkeeping and reporting
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Prerequisites: None required

Permit Language or Requirements

This permit covers construction activities that:

  1. Will disturb one or more acres of and, or will disturb less than one acre of land but are part of a common plan of development or sale
  2. that will ultimately disturb one or more acres of land; or
  3. Have been designated by DEQ as needing permit coverage under 40 CFR 122.26(a)(1)(v) or 40 CFR 122.26(b)(15)(ii)
  4. The construction activities are within the state of Idaho where DEQ is the permitting authority, but not within tribal reservation boundaries.

Who Will Benefit from this Course:

This course is a great overview for anyone wanting to learn the permit criteria for doing construction related work in Idaho.

  • Contractors
  • Municipalities
  • Engineers
  • Consultants
  • Vendors
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Instructor Information:

Nathan Hardebeck

Stormwater Professional


Nathan has nearly 25 years of experience in the environmental and stormwater consulting field with an emphasis on best management practices (BMPs), services and management related to industrial, construction, municipal and commercial stormwater programs.

Read More about Nathan

Other Courses to Consider

To become certified as an inspector please visit the ICSI Course

View Course Catalog


Included with Registration

Access to the Course Resource Library

Curated document, resources, templates and more specific to your Certification and day-to-day operations of the job.

You can browse the resource library below but wont have access to the content until you are registered for the certification.

Add this to your Collection Anytime!

ESC BMP Pocket Guide

This BMP pocket guide will assist you in making informed decisions when selecting BMPs that provide the best erosion and sediment control (ESC) for your project. Printed on waterproof paper, and spiral bound, it is a sturdy, easy to use, go-to tool for the jobsite. If you manage erosion and sediment control, you need the BMP Pocket Guide. It is the size of a cell phone and fits in your back pocket.

Shop Now on PUDLE Gear

Refund / Cancelation Policy


Learners are required to contact CWT Training Academy as soon as possible with any changes to registration (e.g. revised or corrected email, mailing address, phone number, etc.) to ensure the information on the Certification records are correct.

Refunds will not be provided for any missed or incomplete on-demand course. In the case of an emergency which prevents the Learner from starting or finishing the course during the allotted time frame, please contact CWT Training Academy to discuss options.

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