Oregon MS4 Program Manager
Sponsored by Elizabeth Sagmiller
With over 20 years of experience in the field of Oregon stormwater regulations and management, E & S Consulting, LLC is excited to bring you easy access to this collection of resources and courses. Specializing in working with MS4 Phase II permittees and TMDL Implementation Plan holders, these resources will assist with program development, report writing, maintenance evaluations, all while providing expertise in BMP development and implementations.
Course Number: CUN0101
Cost: $25.00 per Learner
Learn the six keys to developing high morale in a workplace. Discuss an environment where employees want to put forth their best effort and work as a team.
Course Number: WOR0101
PDH: 1
Cost: $49.00 per Learner
This permit overview provides discussion on all the major requirements of the 1200C/1200CN permit but is not a certification program for a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control or Stormwater Quality Inspector (Inspector).
Course Number: WOR0107
PDH: 1.5
Cost: $95.00 per Learner
This workshop is a quick overview of the 2021-26 OR State 1200Z Industrial Stormwater General Permit. It covers the major elements of the permit and discusses the activity required for maintaining compliance with the 1200Z permit.
Course Number: WUN0101
Cost: $25.00 per Learner
This is a quick overview of different control measures to prevent sediment and other pollutants from leaving the perimeter of construction and maintenance activity.
Course Number: WUN0102
Cost: $25.00 per Learner
This is a quick overview of different control measures to cover exposed soil on a temporary or permanent basis on a construction project. Discussion includes spray applied, blown, hand-dispersed, and rolled erosion control BMPs.
Course Number: WUS0101
PDH: 0.5
Cost: $49.00 per Learner
This course is designed to increase awareness and provide municipal field staff with the tools to detect different types of illicit discharges in the public storm system. This course describes the MS4 permit requirements for IDDE and identifies common areas in cities and counties where non-stormwater may be introduced into the stormwater system.
Course Number: WUS0102
PDH: 0.5
Cost: $49.00 per Learner
This course provides an overview of spill prevention, control and response considerations. The course identifies the necessary elements for a municipal stormwater program. This course includes a mock spill response.
Course Number: WUS0103
PDH: 1.5
Cost: $95.00 per Learner
This course provides an overview of considerations that may be necessary in developing an MS4 Source Control Program. Defining a source control program, determining who the inspector needs to talk to, considerations for conducting an interview, and recordkeeping considerations are all covered in this course.
Course Number: WUS0104
PDH: 0.75
Cost: $49.00 per Learner
This training is an overview of the programmatic elements of a municipal Public Outreach & Education program. We discuss the fundamental considerations that go into marketing and communication strategies, and delivery methods of educational content.
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