Municipal Resource Center

Sponsored by BEA Environmental

Helping you meet your Outreach and Education requirements to keep the waters flowing clean!

BEA Environmental LLC was founded in 2015. The BEA team has been a part of municipal and private environmental compliance program development and implementation for more than a decade. BEA provides training and technical assistance to cities as well as businesses on some of our region's most promising and challenging pollution prevention topics. These subjects include stormwater pollution prevention, solid and hazardous waste management, resource conservation, and permitting. Whether you are a newly hired municipal environmental compliance inspector, or a developer that needs to preserve the integrity of a parcel under construction, BEA can help your team meet both the spirit and intent of environmental regulations to ensure both a clean environmental and efficient internal operations.

Helping you meet your education requirements one course at a time!

Powered by CWT Academy, choose from a growing library of courses and certifications available to you through BEA Environmental.

Having the right supplies is essential for safety and compliance

Fast response for small (5-10 gallon) oil, water-based and chemical liquid spills.

This compact kit can be stores in a cabinet, hung from a hook or stored easily behind the seat of a truck. 

Established in the City of Kirkland, WA and need an Erosion Control Guide?

Download this handy guide provided by BEA Environmental and the City of Kirkland which covers pollution control for construction activity. 

CWT Erosion and Sediment Control BMP Pocket Guide

This BMP pocket guide will assist you in making informed decisions when selecting BMPs that provide the best erosion and sediment control (ESC) for your project.  Printed on waterproof paper, and spiral bound, it is a sturdy, easy to use, go-to tool for the jobsite.  If you manage erosion and sediment control, you need the BMP Pocket Guide.  It is the size of a cell phone and fits in your back pocket. Go ahead--use it in the rain. It's brilliant!

Need support for your Source Control Program?

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Courses Available

Certifications Offered


Professional Source Control Inspector Certification


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Washington State

CESCL Certification


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Washington State

CESCL ReCertification


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Washington State Certified Industrial Stormwater Lead


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Building Your Public Works Maintenance Career

Course Number: CUN0100

PDH: .75

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

Speakers share their stories of starting their careers in the public works field and how they took different paths to get where they are today. There is a discussion on how to navigate the interview process and what considerations you should have at presenting yourself.

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Keys to Workplace Morale

Course Number: CUN0101


Cost: $25.00 per Learner

Learn the six keys to developing high morale in a workplace. Discuss an environment where employees want to put forth their best effort and work as a team.

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Overview of WA 2020 Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP)

Course Number: WWA0107

PDH: 1.5

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This training is a quick overview of the 2020-25 WA State Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP). It covers the major elements of the permit and discusses the activity required for maintaining compliance with the WA ISGP permit.

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Perimeter Controls for Construction Activity

Course Number: WUN0101


Cost: $25.00 per Learner

This is a quick overview of different control measures to prevent sediment and other pollutants from leaving the perimeter of construction and maintenance activity.

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Covering Controls for Construction Activity

Course Number: WUN0102


Cost: $25.00 per Learner

This is a quick overview of different control measures to cover exposed soil on a temporary or permanent basis on a construction project. Discussion includes spray applied, blown, hand-dispersed, and rolled erosion control BMPs.

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Conveyance Controls for Construction Activity

Course Number: WUN0103


Cost: $25.00 per Learner

This is a quick overview of different control measures to effectively move water and to reduce velocity in stormwater conveyance on construction sites.

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Developing an Effective Sampling Program

Course Number: WUN0104

PDH: 3

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course outlines the seven necessary steps to build an effective and reliable sampling program.

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Environmental Water Treatment Overview

Course Number: WUN0109

PDH: 2.75

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course provides a high-level overview of the EWT industry and discusses flocculants, filter media, equipment, design, and cost considerations for the implementation of EWT technologies.

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Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Overview

Course Number: WUS0101

PDH: 0.5

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

This course is designed to increase awareness and provide municipal field staff with the tools to detect different types of illicit discharges in the public storm system. This course describes the MS4 permit requirements for IDDE and identifies common areas in cities and counties where non-stormwater may be introduced into the stormwater system.

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Spill Control and Response

Course Number: WUS0102

PDH: 0.5

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

This course provides an overview of spill prevention, control and response considerations. The course identifies the necessary elements for a municipal stormwater program. This course includes a mock spill response.

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Source Control Program Overview

Course Number: WUS0103

PDH: 1.5

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course provides an overview of considerations that may be necessary in developing an MS4 Source Control Program. Defining a source control program, determining who the inspector needs to talk to, considerations for conducting an interview, and recordkeeping considerations are all covered in this course.

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Public Outreach and Education Program Overview

Course Number: WUS0104

PDH: 0.75

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

This training is an overview of the programmatic elements of a municipal Public Outreach & Education program. We discuss the fundamental considerations that go into marketing and communication strategies, and delivery methods of educational content.

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MS4 Infrastructure Inspections and Maintenance

Course Number: WUS0105

PDH: 2.5

Cost: $140.00 per Learner

This course provides a broad overview of considerations necessary to perform these activities. Each jurisdiction may have a different way to maintain stormwater infrastructure, and a goal of this program is to create a platform for discussion.

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MS4 Program Overview

Course Number: WUS0106

PDH: 1

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course provides an overview of requirements for a municipal stormwater (MS4) permit, and how these requirements translate into municipal Operations and Maintenance programs. This course identifies the necessary elements for a compliant and effective municipal stormwater program and explores how new program requirements will affect municipal operations in the future.

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Stormwater Regulations Overview

Course Number: WUS0107

PDH: 1

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course provides an overview of the stormwater industry and regulations that govern it. You will receive the most current information on industry trends, new regulations and how they may impact municipal operations in the future.

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Introduction to the Stormwater Plan

Course Number: WUS0109

PDH: .75

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

This course provides an overview of the components necessary to develop and review NPDES compliant Stormwater Pollution Plant (SWPPP) for industrial facilities and construction sites, and Stormwater Management Plans (SWMP) for municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).

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Introduction to Stormwater Sampling

Course Number: WUS0110

PDH: 1

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course provides an overview of how to sample typical stormwater pollutants. Course topics include sampling methodology, procedures and other considerations for creating a reliable data set for stormwater management.

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Clean Water Act Lawsuits

Course Number: WUS0113

PDH: 0.5

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

An unfortunate aspect of water permits and projects is that if they are not handled correctly, they can be subject to fines and even lawsuits. This workshop is an interview that discusses what to do if you receive a notice of intent to sue letter and more importantly how to avoid them.

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Professional Industrial Stormwater Manager


Course Number: WUS0114

PDH: 12

Cost: $475.00 per Learner

This course covers the foundational elements of managing a facility that is covered under a Multi-Sector or Industrial Stormwater General Permit. It covers the considerations of plan writing, inspections, sampling and BMPs. This course is not specific to any State or region and provides discussion on common programmatic elements of all industrial stormwater permits across the Country.

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Introduction to the Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Course Number: WUS0116

PDH: .75

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

This training is a quick overview of the components that are necessary to be included in an Industrial or Multi-Sector General Permit SWPPP. It covers the major elements of the SWPPP and site map for developing a plan that meets most permit requirements.

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Bundles Available

Erosion and Sediment Control Bundle

Course Number: WUN0100

PDHs: 0.75

Cost: $49.00 per Learner

This bundle contains a quick overview of different control measures to prevent sediment and other pollutants from leaving the perimeter of construction and maintenance activity, different control measures to cover exposed soil on a temporary or permanent basis on a construction project and different control measures to effectively move water and to reduce velocity in stormwater conveyance on construction sites. Discussions include spray applied, blown, hand-dispersed, and rolled erosion control BMPs.

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STORM-E School

Course Number: WUS0111

PDHs: 13

Cost: $650.00 per Learner

STORM-E School is a training program for municipal operations, managers, elected officials and engineers. The school is comprised of 10 courses that cover several topics in manageable lengths that address stormwater program related content.

Each topic provides an overview of the specific element that makes-up a comprehensive municipal stormwater program.

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IDDE and Spill Control Bundle

Course Number: WUS0112

PDHs: 1

Cost: $95.00 per Learner

This course bundle is designed to increase awareness, and provide municipal field staff with the tools to detect different types of illicit discharges in the public storm sewer system. This bundle describes the MS4 permit requirements for illicit discharge detection and elimination, and identifies common areas in cities and counties where non-stormwater may be introduced into the stormwater system.

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Challenging Aspects of Industrial Stormwater Management

Course Number: WUS0117

PDHs: 5

Cost: $350.00 per Learner

This training bundle provides training and overview of the more challenging elements of industrial stormwater permit compliance. Not only will we cover the state specific permit criteria, but we will cover the more challenging elements such as developing a confident sampling program, what to do if you get sued, and provide an overview of treatment technologies.

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John Loyd


John Loyd is the Principal of BEA Environmental. Over his career he has provided consulting services related to Municipal Stormwater Permit compliance to over 30 cities on a wide range of subjects, technical assistance, business inspections, public outreach and education to hundreds of businesses across Puget Sound, and managed energy and water conservation projects serving thousands of residential customers.

Additionally, he has over eight years of Industrial and Construction Stormwater Permit management experience.

From construction to industrial to retail, John is capable of understanding and overcoming the challenges to pollution prevention and conservation and developing solutions.

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